Parameter value format


Client code should almost never convert parameter values to JSON and back manually. For most cases, JSON should be considered an implementation detail. Clients should rather use to_database() and from_database() which shield from abrupt changes in the database representation.

Parameter values are specified using JSON in the value field of the parameter_value table. This document describes the JSON specification for parameter values of special type (namely, date-time, duration, time-pattern, time-series, array, and map.)

A value of special type is a JSON object with two mandatory properties, type and data:

  • type indicates the value type and must be a JSON string (either date_time, duration, dictionary, time_pattern, time_series, array, or map).

  • data specifies the value itself and must be a JSON object in accordance with type as explained below.


If the type property is date_time, then the data property specifies a date/time and must be a JSON string in the ISO8601 format.


  "type": "date_time",
  "data": "2019-06-01T22:15:00+01:00"


If the type property is duration, then the data property specifies an extension of time where the accepted values are the following:

  • The number of time-units, specified as a ‘verbose’ JSON string. The format is x unit, where x is an integer and unit is either year, month, day, hour, minute, or second (either singular or plural).

  • The number of time-units, specified as a ‘compact’ JSON string. The format is xU, where x is an integer and U is either Y (for year), M (for month), D (for day), h (for hour), m (for minute), or s (for second).

  • The number of minutes, specified as a JSON integer.


The array version of Duration is deprecated and no longer supported. Use the Array type for variable durations.


Verbose string:

  "type": "duration",
  "data": "1 hour"

Compact string:

  "type": "duration",
  "data": "1h"


  "type": "duration",
  "data": 60


If the type property is time_pattern, then the data property specifies time-patterned data. This is data that varies periodically in time taking specific values at specific time-periods (such as summer and winter). Values must be JSON numbers, whereas time-periods must be JSON strings where the accepted values are the following:

  • An interval of time in a given time-unit. The format is Ua-b, where U is either Y (for year), M (for month), D (for day), WD (for weekday), h (for hour), m (for minute), or s (for second); and a and b are two integers corresponding to the lower and upper bound, respectively.

  • An intersection of intervals. The format is s1;s2;..., where s1, s2, …, are intervals as described above.

  • A union of ranges. The format is r1,r2,..., where r1, r2, …, are either intervals or intersections of intervals as described above.

The data property must be a JSON object mapping time periods to values.

A time-pattern may have an additional property, index_name. index_name must be a JSON string. If not specified, a default name ‘p’ will be used.


The following corresponds to a parameter which takes the value 300 in months 1 to 4 and 9 to 12, and the value 221.5 in months 5 to 8.

  "type": "time_pattern",
  "data": {
    "M1-4,M9-12": 300,
    "M5-8": 221.5


If the type property is time_series, then the data property specifies time-series data. This is data that varies arbitrarily in time taking specific values at specific time-stamps. Values must be JSON numbers, whereas time-stamps must be JSON strings in the ISO8601 format.

Accepted values for the data property are the following:

  • A JSON object mapping time-stamps to values.

  • A two-column JSON array listing tuples of the form [time-stamp, value].

  • A (one-column) JSON array of values. In this case it is assumed that the time-series begins at the first hour of any year, has a resolution of one hour, and repeats cyclically until the end of time.

In case of time-series, the specification may have two additional properties, index and index_name. index must be a JSON object with the following properties, all of them optional:

  • start: the first time-stamp, used in case data is a one-column array (ignored otherwise). It must be a JSON string in the ISO8601 format. The default is 0001-01-01T00:00:00.

  • resolution: the ‘time between stamps’, used in case data is a one-column array (ignored otherwise). Accepted values are the same as for the data property of [duration](#duration) values. The default is 1 hour. If resolution is itself an array, then it is either trunk or repeated so as to fit data.

  • ignore_year: a JSON boolean to indicate whether or not the time-series should apply to any year. The default is false, unless data is a one-column array and start is not given.

  • repeat: a JSON boolean whether or not the time-series should repeat cyclically until the end of time. The default is false, unless data is a one-column array and start is not given.

index_name must be a JSON string. If not specified, a default name ‘t’ will be used.



  "type": "time_series",
  "data": {
    "2019-01-01T00:00": 1,
    "2019-01-01T01:30": 5,
    "2019-01-01T02:00": 8

Two-column array:


  "type": "time_series",
  "data": [
    ["2019-01-01T00:00", 1],
    ["2019-01-01T00:30", 2],
    ["2019-01-01T02:00", 8]

One-column array with implicit (default) indices:

  "type": "time_series",
  "data": [1, 2, 3, 5, 8]

One-column array with explicit (custom) indices:

  "type": "time_series",
  "data": [1, 2, 3, 5, 8],
  "index": {
    "start": "2019-01-01T00:00",
    "resolution": "30 minutes",
    "ignore_year": false,
    "repeat": true

Two-column array with named indices:


  "type": "time_series",
  "data": [
    ["2019-01-01T00:00", 1],
    ["2019-01-01T00:30", 2],
    ["2019-01-01T02:00", 8]
  "index_name": "Time stamps"


If the type property is array, then the data property specifies a one dimensional array. This is a list of values with zero based indexing. All values are of the same type which is specified by an optional value_type property. If specified, value_type must be one of the following: float, str, duration, or date_time. If omitted, value_type defaults to float

The data property must be a JSON list. The elements depend on value_type:

  • If value_type is float then all elements in data must be JSON numbers.

  • If value_type is str then all elements in data must be JSON strings.

  • If value_type is duration then all elements in data must be single extensions of time.

  • If value_type is date_time then all elements in data must be JSON strings in the ISO8601 format.

An array may have an additional property, index_name. index_name must be a JSON string. If not specified, a default name ‘i’ will be used.


An array of numbers:

  "type": "array",
  "data": [2.3, 23.0, 5.0]

An array of durations:

  "type": "array",
  "value_type": "duration",
  "data": ["3 months", "2Y", "4 minutes"]

An array of strings with index name:

  "type": "array",
  "data": ["one", "two"],
  "index_name": "step"


If the type property is map, then the data property specifies indexed array data. An additional index_type specifies the type of the index and must be one of the following: float, str, duration, or date_time.

The data property can be a JSON mapping with the following properties:

  • Every key in the map must be a scalar of the same type as given by index_type:

    • floats are represented by JSON numbers, e.g. 5.5

    • strings are represented by JSON strings, e.g. "key_1"

    • durations are represented by duration strings, e.g. "1 hour". Note that variable durations are not supported

    • datetimes are represented by ISO8601 time stamps, e.g. "2020-01-01T12:00"

  • Every value in the map can be

    • a float, e.g. 5.5

    • a duration, e.g. {"type": "duration", "data": "3 days"}

    • a datetime, e.g. {"type": "date_time", "data": "2020-01-01T12:00"}

    • a map, e.g. {"type": "map", "index_type": "str", "data":{"a": 2, "b": 3}}

    • any of the following: time-series, array, time-pattern

Optionally, the data property can be a two-column JSON array where the first element is the key and the second the value.

A map may have an additional property, index_name. index_name must be a JSON string. If not specified, a default name ‘x’ will be used.



  "type": "map",
  "index_type": "date_time",
  "data": {
    "2010-01-01T00:00": {
      "type": "map",
      "index_type": "duration",
      "data": [["1D", -1.0], ["1D", -1.5]]
    "2010-02-01-T00:00": {
      "type": "map",
      "index_type": "duration",
      "data": [["1 month", 2.3], ["2 months", 2.5]]

Two-column array:

  "type": "map",
  "index_type": "str",
  "data": [["cell_1", 1.0], ["cell_2", 2.0], ["cell_3", 3.0]]

Stochastic time series corresponding to the table below:

Forecast time

Target time

Stochastic scenario


























  "type": "map",
  "index_type": "date_time",
  "index_name": "Forecast time",
  "data": [
     {"type": "map", "index_type": "date_time", "index_name": "Target time", "data": [
         "2020-04-17T08:00", {"type": "map",
                              "index_type": "float",
                              "index_name": "Stochastic scenario",
                              "data": [[0, 23.0], [1, 5.5]]}
         "2020-04-17T09:00", {"type": "map",
                              "index_type": "float",
                              "index_name": "Stochastic scenario",
                              "data": [[0, 24.0], [1, 6.6]]}
         "2020-04-17T10:00", {"type": "map",
                              "index_type": "float",
                              "index_name": "Stochastic scenario",
                              "data": [[0, 25.0], [1, 7.7]]}